concord grapes

Clean eating, Fruits and vegetables

Spring Clean Your Diet, Satisfy Cravings

If warmer weather and fresh air send you into tidying mode, don’t forget your pantry. Spring clean your pantry and refrigerator and you’ll make better food choices and improve your health in the long run. Count on Color for Protecting your Body The colorful compounds in fruits, vegetables and grains protect plants from diseases and pests. In your body they help protect your tissues including skin, bone and muscle, from harm. Think of all forms of produce and grains in a variety of …

Spring Clean Your Diet, Satisfy Cravings Read More »

Why “Avoid Processed Foods” is Bad Advice

Countless internet blogs preach about the dangers of processed food, how eating a diet with processed food will make you gain weight and your health will suffer. Yet anyone who writes this nonsense doesn’t understand the real definition of processed foods (and I bet large sums of money they eat many processed foods) and the benefits they provide. A processed food is “any food other than a raw agricultural commodity (“food that is in its raw or natural state, including all fruits …

Why “Avoid Processed Foods” is Bad Advice Read More »