cottage cheese

Gluten free blueberry cottage cheese pancakes

Gluten free blueberry cottage cheese pancakes Ingredients: Makes about eighteen 4-5” pancakes · 3/4 cup gluten free all purpose flour · 1/2 cup almond flour (make you own, tip below) · 1/2 tsp. baking soda · 1/2 tsp. sea salt · 2 Tbsp. Swerve sweetener · 2 eggs 1 cup whipped cottage cheese (*whip your own in a blender or food   processor until smooth) · 1/2 cup 2% milk · 2 Tbsp. pecan, sunflower, safflower or other medium-high heat oil …

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Yikes! Are there Antibiotics or Hormones in Your Milk & Dairy Foods?

Are antibiotics and hormones used in dairy cows contributing to the obesity epidemic, early puberty and antibiotic resistance? Before going down that road, we have to first we have to first ask if there are any antibiotics or hormones in milk and dairy products. In this blog post I will cover: Why are antibiotics given to cows? Antibiotics are not in milk, here’s why. Why are growth hormones given to cows? Are there any hormones in my milk and dairy food? What are the cows …

Yikes! Are there Antibiotics or Hormones in Your Milk & Dairy Foods? Read More »

Full Fat or Low Fat Dairy?

If you are totally against low-fat dairy, it’s time to take a closer look at the research. After listening to this dairy debate and watching the finger pointing, I started searching through the literature for an answer to this question “does dairy fat increase LDL cholesterol and risk for cardiovascular disease?” Then I came to my senses. No one eats dairy fat. Unless you’re a food scientist, you aren’t separating the fat from milk or full-fat yogurt and eating it or adding …

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